Marketing productivity: compelling stats for creative teams

Marketing productivity1
  1. How can one assess the effectiveness of marketing?
  2. Statistics on project management for creative agencies.
  3. Stats on File Support and Management.
  4. Stats on creative review and approval.
  5. Conclusion

Do you understand where or why the content marketing business is moving? Since you won’t know how to modify your content marketing plan for growth if you don’t.

Although you might have a gut feeling, concrete information is always preferable because it will enable you to create the ideal content marketing strategy and formulate your marketing budget.

Here we will talk about convincing statistics for creative teams that will aid you with your content marketing efforts and make your life easier.

How can one assess the effectiveness of marketing?

When employed by a marketing firm, graphic designers, illustrators, and copywriters are aware that they are unable to produce assets on their schedules. They have deadlines, and ideally, they also have project managers who inquire about the amount of time needed to accomplish work and serve as a conduit for any comments that can jeopardize the project’s schedule.

Project managers must create a baseline to monitor productivity; for instance, they can ask a writer to estimate how much time they spent producing blog articles of a particular length. Even better would be to average each stage of the creative creation process across various project types and client accounts. The productivity can then be calculated using those averages.

The following metrics work best for gauging marketing productivity:

  • Monitoring the time spent on ongoing tasks, such as creating a logo or writing copy for a product page.
  • Metrics of output are the results of an activity or task completed in a given period, such as the number of pictures produced in a quarter.
  • Determining how the customer influences productivity metrics is the actual problem for the majority of firms.

Although a writer might finish a blog post in two hours, agencies need a mechanism to monitor activity and assess its effect on deadlines and project milestones if the client demands many modifications over days or weeks.

Statistics on project management for creative agencies

People frequently consider the performance of teams and team members when discussing productivity. The performance of software, file management, internal organization and processes, and, of course, clients, are just a few of the variables that influence productivity yet are beyond their control.

Management should ensure that systems and protocols assist creative teams in their work and help them work more productively as part of a top-down drive to increase productivity. If you’re seeking strategies to increase efficiency, start by looking through these crucial workflow elements for marketing agencies:

The use of project management software should keep work manageable for team members and maintain projects on schedule. But it isn’t always the case. how it looks


When a project management platform is missing crucial functionality, teams will occasionally create their own “workarounds” to make up for the deficiencies. Your tasks and workflows should be accommodated by your project management platform, such as, without the need for additional steps outside of the system.

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Interesting Facts:

  • 47% of businesses claim that using project management software has improved their cost estimates for projects.
  • 31 percent of marketing groups that oversee 50–100 projects monthly

Teams can manage their workload, get organized, and increase internal communication by using the platform. Additionally, it can make all projects more transparent and aid in project managers’ ability to recognize when deadlines or project scope has to be altered. Consider whether a platform interfaces with the other systems and software you often use when deciding which one to utilize.

Stats on File Support and Management

The majority of designers have at some point had to reproduce an asset in a different format because the original file was either too huge to send over email, incompatible with a project management system, or the client lacked the necessary tools. That is a wasteful method of disseminating designs, and similar wastefulness frequently applies to other types of creative assets such as music and video files.

Stats on creative review and approval

Clients are busy people, just like marketers, so, normally, they won’t have time to provide timely feedback on creative assets. They can also run into confusion within their team as to who should provide input and who is in charge of giving assets their final approval.

On the agency’s end, waiting for comments can derail entire projects and cause deadlines to be missed. Creative teams could discover that assets they assumed were approved need further reworking if client stakeholders aren’t talking with each other and don’t know who has the authority to sign off on deliverables. In this situation, the review and approval procedure may take several weeks, which may delay the completion of other client work and increase the expense of agency overtime.


Finding the resources that will help creative teams operate more productively is the first step in increasing productivity. Online proofing software from is one solution that provides organizations with a massive return on their investment.

With a chat history that makes it simple to identify who requested modifications, what was said in response, and who authorized an item, online proofreading software preserves all input in one place. Agencies can lessen the back-and-forth that causes projects to be delayed and timetables to be thrown off by using this kind of functionality.

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