
How to create your first workspace in Krock?

1 min read

Updated on October 8, 2024

Your journey with Krock starts with creating a workspace.

Workspace is your place to build a pipeline of your teamwork, check deadlines, create teams and projects. Also, you can be invited to someone’s workspace as a member.

Check out this tutorial on how to create your first Workspace:



You have to create at least one workspace after registration.

The form will appear automatically.

This form consists of the fields ‘Name’ and ‘Invite Members by Email.’ You can fill in all of them or start with the ‘Name’ field only and add members later.

Name your workspace as you wish (you can edit or rename it later), press the button ‘Create,’ and that’s it. Your first workspace is created.

How to add more workspaces?

Find the ‘+’ sign in the left bar, press it, and fill in similar gaps.

How to add members if you didn’t invite them at the beginning?

Open your workspace and find the ‘Members’ tab. Press on it and find the ‘Invite members’ button. Write down all the emails of your team members and press ‘Invite.’

Your colleagues will receive an email with an invitation to your workspace. They need to follow the link, write their name and create a password.


Check out more articles on getting started with Krock:

If you have any trouble or need any help, let us know.

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